Category Archives: Birth Control

Opting for Pregnancy Test

Opting for Pregnancy TestSuppose you are planning to conceive or if you recently had unprotected intercourse, you possibly have one question on your mind and that is ‘Am I pregnant?’ Plus the quickest way to get a reply to that is taking a pregnancy test at home. However, there might be confusion when and where to take a pregnancy test? How will you know if it will work after taking it?

There are some tips that will help you take a pregnancy test and other related information:

When can you take a pregnancy test?

For the very first time when you take pregnancy test is, when you have missed your monthly menstrual cycle, or else indulge in unprotected sexual activity. If you are planning to have a child, the skipped period may be enough to send you into a tizzy, making you to take that home pregnancy check as early as possible. Whereas, if woman do not wish to have a child but have an active sexual life, she may be worried about getting pregnant, and may feel like testing the pregnancy status.

No matter what but before understanding exactly when to take pregnancy test, it is crucial to know a little more regarding a home pregnancy test kit mechanism.

When pregnancy test can be done based on timing?

It is vital to consider the timing, around which woman should buy pregtest card and try out the pregnancy test kit at home.  If you check too early you might get a negative result, although you’re pregnant. Of major importance here is the ‘timing’ because depending on when you take the test, soon or delayed, your pregnancy test results may not be precise.

If you get an incorrect negative result, it can be an extremely stressful condition. The problem here is that anxiety can further delay your menstrual cycle, which will confuse you and add to your nervousness.

If you take the pregnancy test kit at home very soon, although you are using a test kit that is the most responsive, you may get wrong results. When you make a soon test, the level of the HCG (human chronic gonadotrophic) hormone present in your urine sample will be very low even for the most sensitive test kit detect. In such case, the result will be negative, although you may be pregnant.

When you test closer to the time that your monthly cycle usually occurs or if already have missed your menstrual cycle for a week or two, the chances of getting accurate reading is higher. It will have a higher chance of getting a more appropriate reading. It will also be about 2 weeks after you have ovulated, thus chances of the test with appropriate results will be greater.

Two main types of pregnancy tests that is accessible:

Once woman get an idea of how soon can she take a pregnancy test to check for outcomes, she should also know about the types of tests that are accessible. There are most common types of pregnancy tests such as the blood sample and the urine method that you can go for:

  • A Urine Test:

Women can order pregtest card online to have a urine test that can be performed in the comfort of your home, workplace, or even at clinic.

  • A Blood test:

A Blood test also helps you check whether you are pregnant or not but is carried out at doctor’s clinic or at nearest medical health center.

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Five Myths About The Plan B Morning- After Pill

Five Myths about the Plan B Morning- After Pill

Every person slips up in life, however what if that slip-up happens while having intercourse?

Failure of birth control method may leave someone pondering, what should be done. The morning- after pill is normally the first option that comes to mind, except this there are some common myths regarding the pill that needs to be addressed.

1)    Myth- You can use morning-after pill as your birth control.

Reality- The morning-after pill is not nearly as effective as contraceptive tablets. The probability of preventing a pregnancy with emergency contraceptive is much less, if taken as regular birth control.

According to an emergency contraception researcher, there are no safety concerns with using it every week; but it’s not as efficient as any ongoing process contraception.

The morning-after pill is still very effectual. However if someone is looking for a reliable contraception, they must consult to their OBGYN regarding getting on a long-term plan.

2)    Myth- If you take morning-after pill you will not get pregnant.

Reality- As per Plan B morning after pill, it prevents about seven out of eight pregnancies that would have happened. Although it is reliable preventative in an emergency, the only way to make sure that a person does not get pregnant is abstinence.

3)    Myth- Plan B is not for you because you are against abortion.

Reality- Plan B pill is not an abortion pill. It contains synthetic levonorgestrel and progestin. These are the similar ingredients found in range of brands of birth control tablets. The pill works in a same way as the birth control pill to help prevent pregnancy.

4)    Myth- The unprotected intercourse took place a couple of hours ago; hence you can’t take it at this moment.

Reality- Morning –after pills need not to be taken right away after intercourse, but can be taken within 72 hours following an unprotected intercourse. According to a U.S. health reproductive service, later than 72 hours, the efficacy of the pill goes down to 89%. As a result, by day four, the efficiency drops even lower. It is always best to have the Plan B as early as possible since the failed birth control method.

5)    Myth- You took the morning-after pill today, thus you can have unprotected intercourse again later.

Reality- You can buy Plan B online or at local pharmacy, but it only works to its full potential with one failed contraception or unguarded intercourse. If a woman takes the Plan B and then chooses to have an unguarded intercourse, they may end up getting pregnant. Thus, if a woman has already taken morning-after pill, her regular birth control form must be continued.

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When Should You Consider Changing Your Birth Control Method?

When Should You Consider Changing Your Birth Control Method?Birth control is a necessity for every adult woman and there are different kinds available for different women.  Some of the types of contraceptive are barrier method, hormonal method, intrauterine methods, emergency contraception and sterilization etc. Even though their method of usage and content may vary, they, different contraceptives give women the option to choose what works best for their system. Therefore each and every method of birth control has its pros and cons.  So what may work well for your friend may not work the best for you.

So here are some signs to look out for that indicate you must change your method of birth control

  • When you are forgetful/ can’t remember to take a pill everyday

There are some women who can’t remember to take the pill each day. If you keep missing or can’t keep track of the pills, there are other options that may be more suitable for you. You can buy Nuvaring and once inserted you can use it for two to three weeks continuously. Nuvaring is an elastic vaginal ring. This soft ring contains low doses of estrogen and progestin and they work the same way as hormonal contraceptives.

You can also buy plan B online and keep a stock of it in case of emergency.

  • When you are bloated or nauseous

Being bloated and queasy are typical premenstrual symptoms and for some women they become excessive when there is a change in birth control method. This may be because your hormones or a lack of them that makes the system go out of control. Depending upon your health, lifestyle and your reaction to nausea and bloating, the healthcare provider will figure out which birth control you can use.

  • In case of breakthrough bleeding

In the olden days all birth control pills had high doses of hormones which created problematic reaction – side effects like weight gain, however they were also good at controlling spotting. Now, birth control pills have lower dosage, therefore there are less chances of weight gain but you may experience irregular breakthrough bleeding.

If you take Ovral G tablets which contain a combination of synthetic hormones – estrogen and progestin, there are less chances of spotting compared to progestin-only pills.

  • Managing the time of your periods

Birth control makes it easier to manipulate the time of your periods. If you are having a special occasion, or going somewhere adventurous, you don’t want to have your menstrual cycle that time. Therefore if you want to properly manage the timing of your periods that the current pill doesn’t fulfill, you’ll need a pill that does.

  • Headaches and mood changes

There can be many unwanted side effects from birth control such as mood swings, losing your libido and persistent headaches. The headaches may be calmed with something like Tylenol or Motrin, however if the headaches persist, you must visit a doctor to have your birth control changed.

Similarly, in case of excessive mood swings and loss of sexual drive, you may have to change the method of contraceptive.

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8 Birth Control Methods after a Medical Abortion

Birth Control Methods

Birth Control Methods

You do not need to begin birth control method after an abortion. If you had taken medications for terminating pregnancy, you have a lot of contraceptive options. It is best to discuss family planning with a doctor before you buy abortion pill or immediately later to ending pregnancy. Some of the contraception techniques also protect from sexually transmitted infections. Here is a brief look into how you can prohibit a pregnancy after termination of conception.

Choices of Contraceptives Later to Abortion

Following a medical procedure to end pregnancy, you may want to protect yourself from facing an unwanted pregnancy again. For maintaining a pregnancy free time, you must start with birth control methods. Here are some of the common and most trusted contraception ways later to pregnancy termination.

Pills and Patches: The regular birth control tablets help in preventing pregnancy. Some are progesterone only medicines, while others have different compositions. Similarly, medicated patches are put on underarms, near thighs or lower back that act in same way to medications. The prohibit fertilization, ovulation, and implantation. You can begin it soon when you are sexually active after abortion.

Condoms (for male or female): Condoms are designed for both men and women, and these work expertly to protect from pregnancy. These may even restrict certain STDs and STIs from transferring into partner’s body, along with acting like a birth control facility.

Vaginal Ring: You need to start with any of these medicated products within a week after pregnancy termination. If the bleeding is heavy, you may not use vaginal ring but other substitute. The medicated ring contains hormones, which disallow passing of sperm to uterus or mating an egg.

Emergency Contraceptives: Though regular contraception is advisable, you may use emergency contraceptives like Plan B in case you had unprotected intercourse later to an abortion. This can be at any point of time from failed birth control to the lack of use of the same. The medicine must be taken within 24 to 72 hours of intimacy for best effects.

Spermicides, diaphragm, or Cervical Caps: As soon as you plan to resume vaginal intercourse, you may utilize any of these contraceptive methods. However, you must abstain from getting into intercourse at least for 2 to 3 weeks post-pregnancy termination.

Fertility Awareness:  You must wait for at least three periods cycle to assure what is the normal menstrual pattern is like. Use a backup birth control device or product until then. Note the days when fertility could be at the lowest. It may be safe to have intercourse then, and not conceive. However, again it is not a completely foolproof plan for contraceptive.

Intrauterine Device: You may visit a doctor for including an IUD after the bleeding has stopped from abortion, and the cervix had tightened. Only after the uterus heals is it advisable to get IUD inserted, which must be removed before terminating pregnancy again.

Sterilization: You can get yourself or your partner sterilized whenever you take the decision of never getting pregnant again. The decision will permanently disable you from getting pregnant, at least if you yourself have got sterilized. This acts a way of permanent birth control, and will not let you conceive even on unprotected intercourse.

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