Monthly Archives: October 2022

My Abortion Story

Journey From Unwanted Pregnancy to Medical Abortion in Texas

I am a 23 years old woman from Texas. Just a year back I got promoted in my workplace and was enjoying my role as tour guide manager. My job required me to travel to places and though it paid me well, I had odd working hours. Yet, everything was going well. I had my parents elsewhere and lived off with my boyfriend in a comfortable apartment. But then, he lost his job and became ill-tempered. And one fine day, he decided he could not take it anymore and needed a break from everything, including us.

He was not sure if he would return. I was aghast, and even the news of pregnancy which I had shared with him earlier that week, did not change his mind. Now I was a single person with a baby to think of and a busy schedule and no love or other support left. I wanted to carry the pregnancy but it was becoming impossible for me to juggle between things. I broke down emotionally and in ways, I cannot explain.

I decided to get my pregnancy terminated but again I did not want to reveal this to everybody. So, I chose online abortion pills instead.

I was already 4 weeks pregnant and abortion laws here are quite stringent. You will not find easy abortion pill access Texas state. Thus, an online pharmacy was my best bet. Thankfully I had sufficient funds to afford the abortion pill cost and the basic healthcare, preparing for the supplies for the day when the pills would arrive.

When looking for abortion pills near me, I realized several women are going through tough situations with their unwanted pregnancies and there is a lot of bias in the air. People have different opinions about females who end their pregnancies. Well, mine was also an unintended conception but I never thought I would get into a situation where termination was the only scope for me.

Someone I knew in the past had suggested that I can buy MTP Kit online if a need arises. So, I had that in mind. I visited a physician and got a prescription to buy Mifepristone and Misoprostol online and on the same day placed the order.

The abortion pill online arrived at my address in a sealed package. I was impressed by the discreet packing and quality pills. I will just retell what my experience was like here:

·        Got the pills on Tuesday. Started with Mifepristone 200mg early in the morning on Wednesday at 8 AM. I cooked myself a light breakfast and stayed indoors. I had taken off from work for the next four days just in case and that will give me a weekend for rest as well. I did not feel any pain or discomfort the first day and slept like a log in the night.

·        On Thursday, at 10 AM after breakfast, I proceeded with the 4 pills of Misoprostol 200mcg buccally by putting the pills in my cheek for half an hour. That tasted strange but well. In two hours, I felt the cramps begin and all hell broke loose. I was constantly cramping and that is perhaps because the uterus contractions were strong and I started to bleed heavily from the vagina.

·        I hurried to wear a long sanitary pad, in fact, I wore two of them for safety. And thereafter a cramp to another, I felt large blobby clots leave me and the bleeding was a mess but I suppose I was passing out the pregnancy parts already. I cleared my mind that all was okay and I made the right choice and not to worry. I put on some music to soothe my mind.

·        The pregnancy tissues in the bleeding must have been completely gone with the embryo because after 24 hours I started to feel better. Less nauseous and dizzy than before. And the painkiller I had taken had also helped this far. The bleeding was heavy but with fewer clots and by Saturday I was bleeding but not so much as on days 2 to 3.

·        I took maximum rest over the weekend and resumed chores on Monday. I was extra careful about my health and avoided smoking and drinking during the abortion pill procedure. And followed a healthy diet over the next few days.

·        After 14 days as instructed by my physician, I was at the clinic for an ultrasound imaging of the uterus and was glad that the pregnancy had ended. I went back home feeling relieved but with mixed emotions. But what had to be done, had to be done, and well, it was all over in the end.

A month from then, I had come to terms with my emotions and now leading a normal life. My boyfriend has not contacted me yet and has stopped returning my calls. Life goes on. I have a piece of advice for all the women out there looking for abortion pills. I think if you want to buy MTP Kit online USA, then consider this website. It has genuine medicines and they offer customer support in every scenario without any judgments. Till then good luck everybody, stay well and healthy.

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