Monthly Archives: April 2017

Why I Use Birth Control Pills ?

“Why I Use Birth Control Pills”?

Birth control coverage has been in the limelight in the recent years. Through the Affordable Care Act, 20 forms of contraception are covered, but the recent political change indicates that such coverage is only temporary.

Opinions about contraception aside, the misinformation about birth control circulating around the social networking websites, are the most unhelpful most of which term women on birth control as moochers, sluts or entitled.

Here are some personal accounts are given by women who want to challenge these unfair caricatures.

  • Jacqueline C. Mathews   

Jacqueline C. Mathews

I had my first period in 11th grade. It was really painful; the cramping was so intense that I vomited. For two days I was hunched over in a fetal position, wishing why I couldn’t have been born as a boy. The only things I used as pain-reliever was a heating pad and Tylenol.

It wasn’t until I was in my second year at college that I started using birth control pills. That was at the time when I was one of those people who believed that there was no need for birth control if I wasn’t having sex. Well, I did away with my prejudice, when I started taking Ovral-G birth control pills.

I use contraceptive not for the protection, although it is nice to have that side-effect, but because of the crumbling pain, I feel every month.

  • Wanda N. Rash

Wanda N. Rash

I take birth control because I am responsible- that’s it! I am a Christian woman who has a very loving boyfriend. I have friends who gossip about women using contraceptives like they are some kind of harlots!

I used to be one of them too until a dear friend had to have an abortion in secret because she and her boyfriend didn’t use protection and didn’t want a child yet. I realized I was being foolish, and booked an appointment with a GYN who got me on Yasmin pills.

  • Jenna W. Graves

Jenna W. Graves

The first time I had my hemorrhagic cyst when I was just sixteen. They said I had polycystic ovarian syndrome [PCOS] and had prescribed me hormonal therapy.

Over the next four to five years, they gave different types of birth control pills, all of which didn’t seem to help [they caused excessive nausea and migraines]. At last, I tried using Nuvaring which worked perfectly for me- except at the time I couldn’t afford it.

One time while in class, I had suddenly had a searing pain. I hunched over and suddenly fainted. I have been using Nuvaring since then, and my medical insurance covers it.

If that stops, I would have to buy Nuvaring online.

  • Connie W. Thomas

Connie W. Thomas

I am a married woman with three wonderful kids. The youngest one is finally old enough so that I can start going to a job again. As much as I love my kids, it’s not easy to take care of three of them. My husband earns well but it’s not easy to get all the bills paid with just his salary. So we decided that I am going to start my job again.

I am very fertile, so that’s why I have to be on birth control. Now my family is complete and adding another member will take a toll on us – physical, financially and emotionally as well.

So that’s the reason I take birth control pills, for me and my family.


This entry was posted in Birth Control and tagged birth control pills, nuvaring, Ovral-G, yasmin pill on by .

Online Pharmacies for providing abortion services to women around the world

Online Pharmacies for providing abortion services to women around the world

Although, health care access around the world is becoming easier, there are many women who cannot access any reproductive health care even if they wish to do so. This may be due to political tensions in the region, religious influence or lack of reproductive healthcare settings in their area.

There are many reasons like the above why many women choose to buy abortion pills online from web pharmacies.

How is the medical abortion carried out at home?

There are two types of drugs used for medical pregnancy termination, these are  Mifepristone & Misoprostol. You have to take two stages while consuming the tablets in the course of two to three days to complete the abortion process.

There are two kinds of a regimen for medical pregnancy termination too- one with both Mifepristone and Misoprostol and the other with just Misoprostol. Many medical studies, however, prove that Mifepristone taken with a suitable prostaglandin [misoprostol] is the most effective regimen for medical abortion.

This is why the most doctors around the world recommend anti-progesterone [ like Mifepristone or Mifeprex] with a dose of prostaglandin analog [ like Misoprostol or Cytolog].

Other than that, the efficacy rate for Mifepristone/Misoprostol is 97%-98% while the rate for Misoprostol alone is 88%.


There women taking the abortion pills at home must –

  • On day 1, swallow 1 tablet of Mifepristone
  • Take a 24-48 hours’ break
  • One the 2nd and 3rd day, put four tablets of Misoprostol in the cheek pouches 2×2 in each side of the mouth. Let them sit untouched in the mouth for 30 minutes and dissolve naturally. After half an hour drinks water and swallows the tablets’ remains.

How do the pills work?

The primary pill, Mifepristone is an antiprogestogen in nature. When introduced in the body, the pill blocks the progesterone hormone [ which is essential in continuing the pregnancy, as it helps in creating the endometrium lining that keeps the embryo attached], which leads to the detachment of the conception parts.

After taking an anti-progesterone pill, you may continue with your daily life without any changes, however, some women may experience spotting and light bleeding very briefly. If you experience some discomfort, it is okay to take an ibuprofen painkiller.

Meanwhile, the secondary abortion pill [which is given after 24-48 hours], Misoprostol is a prostaglandin analog and induces uterine contractions. With the help of these contractions, the detached conception tissues from the uterine are ousted through vaginal ejection.

What is the purpose of this online pharmacy?

There are many women who have an unmet need for safe abortion pills and therefore choose dangerous options to end their pregnancies which can potentially result in a permanent injury or even death. On the other hand, there are a woman in bad conditions who cannot access the needed help even if they have the sources too.

Therefore, sources are needed which can be trusted and women from anywhere around the world can access these services any time they need. This online pharmacy’s main objective, therefore, is to be a safe space where any women can get the needed medication for abortion as well as contraception; altogether with advice and guidelines on how to go about a pregnancy cancellation and protection.

This entry was posted in Abortion Pill and tagged abortion pills online, mifepristone and misoprostol, safe abortion pills on by .