Monthly Archives: January 2020

Does abortion hurt?

A big YES!!!!!! though the experience for every woman can be different

How does it hurt?

The quick answer is that it has a different experience on everyone. No women can tell you how exactly it will feel and what exactly they will experience after taking the abortion pills or at the clinic. Some women compare the procedure to menstrual cramps, while others describe more discomfort. 

Whether it hurts depends on various unique factors, such as;

  • Your overall fitness, health, including your underlying medical conditions
  • How long the pregnancy is
  • Type of abortion you have
  • Your stress level and emotions

Keep reading this blog for more information on what to anticipate during a surgical or medical abortion, as well as what question you can ask your health care provider.

How does it feel like after having a Medical abortion?

Your medical provider will tell you to administer 2 drugs: One is Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Although Misoprostol is taken buccally (between your cheek and teeth) some take it vaginally. 

These drugs work by blocking the pregnancy hormone and also cause uterine contractions to push the fetus out. It can take 2-4 hours for the tissue to be expelled. This procedure leads to vaginal bleeding which is heavier than a normal period. So you will require good big maxi pads. Also, it is advised not to use tampons or vaginal cups during a medical abortion. You will pass some big clots. This will slow down after a few days but you will still continue to spot or bleed for a couple of weeks.

 You will also experience:

  • Severe or mild cramping
  • Breast tenderness
  • Upset stomach
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Chills
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Low-grade fever
  • Nausea

These side effects usually go within a day or two. Buccal, vaginal or sublingual medications may have fewer side effects than oral medications.

How does it feel like after having a surgical abortion?

Surgical abortion begins similar to the pelvic exam. Your medical practitioner will ask you to hold your feet in the table’s stirrups and utilize a speculum to inspect your cervix and vagina. After that, they will apply numbing medication which will dilate your cervix. Then they will insert a flexible, small tube in your uterus. The tube is attached to a gentle suction device, which is used to vacate the contents of your uterus. Your medical practitioner can also gently scrape the lining of your uterus with a loop-shaped small tool named curettage. This will make sure that your uterus is completely empty.

If the pregnancy is longer than 15 weeks then your medicinal practitioner will use a combination of curettage, suction, and extraction with forceps to thoroughly empty the uterus. You will start to experience uterine cramps and bleeding and this may continue for a few weeks.

Other possible side effects are:

  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Chills
  • Heavy bleeding, etc.

So these are a few things which women can experience while they are on their abortion procedure.

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What Are Mifeprex And Misoprostol And How Are They Different?

Non-surgical methods of abortion have the potential to advance the quality and safety of women’s reproductive health in the developing era.

However, until lately, the utilization and availability of medical abortion with Mifeprex and Misoprostol is increasing day by day. In this respect, this blog provides the usage, and difference in the effectiveness of the two regimens.

What is Mifeprex?

Mifeprex is an anti-progesterone which helps in the termination of the pregnancy by blocking the hormone called progesterone. Progesterone is very important in pregnancy, it helps to provide nutrition to the embryo and helps it to develop inside the womb. So by blocking the hormone, the pregnancy ends there. Mifeprex is also available in 2 generic form that is Mifepristone and Generic RU486. The working mechanism and dosage strength are similar to the generic versions. Mifeprex is available in 200 mg. 

What is Misoprostol?

Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin E1 analog which is used in medication abortion that causes softening of cervical and uterine contractions. So this medicine helps to cause contractions and pass out the embryo with the help of vaginal bleeding. Misoprostol is also available in generic forms that are Cytolog and Cytotec. This pill is available in 800 mcg strength which is similar in other generic versions.

What is the dosage pattern of the Mifeprex and Misoprostol pills?

The dosage pattern is very simple and one can easily take the abortion pills at their home in privacy to terminate the pregnancy, medical abortion is similar to a natural miscarriage so women may experience vaginal bleeding and cramps for few days.

The first step is to take Mifepristone 200 mg orally and then wait for 24-48 hours and take Mifepristone 800 mcg. This medication can be taken orally or buccally whichever method you find it more convenient.  

After you consume both the pill you may experience severe cramps and vaginal bleeding may start soon after 2-24 hours.

What is the difference between Mifeprex and Misoprostol?

Mifepristone and Misoprostol have some minute difference which is discussed below:

1- Mifeprex is used to hinder the progesterone and Misoprostol is taken to soften the uterus and allow the pregnancy to pass with the help of bleeding

2- Mifeprex is required to be taken orally with water. And Misoprostol can be taken in 2 methods one is buccal and the other is vaginal. If you are taking it buccally then you have to place 4 pills of Misoprostol of 200 mcg in your cheek pouches or beneath your tongue for 30 minutes till it gets melt completely and another method is vaginally where you have to insert the pills in the vaginal area. 

3- Mifeprex just blocks the pregnancy whereas Misoprostol causes contractions and helps to flush out the pregnancy.

4- The combination of both medicines is 99% effective whereas Mifepristone and Misoprostol alone are 70% effective.

Thus, this study provides an important possibility to better understand the real difference and the benefits of these 2 non-surgical abortion regimens.

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Questions you’ll probably have about abortion pill

Whenever a woman undergoes a medical termination of pregnancy, all she aims for is the best abortion pills and a safe procedure. So, it is natural to have doubts and concerns regarding the whole process. Hence, this blog aims to answer the questions that may come to a woman’s mind while undergoing the procedure of medical pregnancy termination.

Where can I get an abortion pill?

There are two ways you can find abortion pills. While the first one is a local pharma store, the second option is online pharmacies. Most women like to buy abortion pills online as the way is easier and better among the two.

What are the pills required for medical abortion?

A complete medical abortion process requires a woman to have one pill of anti-progesterone medicine and four pills of prostaglandin medicines. You can have Mifepristone/Mifeprex/Generic RU 486 for the first type and Misoprostol/Cytolog for the second type of medicine.

What are the changes brought by these abortion pills?

Mifepristone stops pregnancy growth. Though it is an important change in the medical abortion procedure, the woman does not experience any major change in the body. The second pill makes the uterus expel pregnancy tissues. When it happens, the woman experiences intense cramping in the abdominal area and bleeding for around a week.

Are there any side effects of abortion pills?

Yes, but only temporary. The side effects of pregnancy termination medicines can be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, excessive bleeding, headache, bloated breasts, etc. However, these side effects are not prolonged. If you experience anything odd and something that lasts longer than 3-4 days, you can immediately inform your healthcare provider.

How much time does it take to complete the medical abortion procedure?

There’s no specific period set for the procedure of medical pregnancy termination. Since it is based on subjective factors such as gestation of pregnancy, medical history, etc. the time taken can vary from person to person.

However, it can take around a week or more to complete the medical abortion process. You should speak to your healthcare provider if the bleeding does not stop.

What should you eat during a medical abortion?

Though there’s no specific diet that has to be followed during the medical termination of pregnancy, one has to make sure that the foods that users eat are light and healthy.

Can you have sexual intercourse during a medical abortion?

If you had sexual intercourse while you are on the abortion pills, the penis inserted in the vagina may create risks of infections. Hence it is advised not to get involved in sexual activities while the user is on the pregnancy termination medications.

What should I user for soaking bleeding?

As told before, inserting anything in the vagina can create complication risks of infection. Hence using tampons Kir menstrual cup should strictly be avoided.

Is there any impact of abortion pills on my future pregnancy?

All the abortion pill side effects are temporary in nature and hence none of them have a relation with your future pregnancy. There may be chances of risks in the care of multiple medical abortion cases. If your pregnant, speak to your healthcare provider regarding your history of abortion case(s).

Will abortion pills affect my fertility?

No. Abortion pills do not affect the fertility of the woman. It neither makes the fertility deteriorated or improved. It stays the same as it was before the consumption of abortion pills.

If you still have doubts regarding the medical abortion process or your health, consider speaking to a healthcare specialist. If the healthcare specialist is not available, you can reach out to online pharmacies which usually have a dedicated team to answer the queries of women.

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Medical pregnancy termination using abortion pills

Medical termination

Medical termination of pregnancy is a self-induced way of ending a first-trimester unwanted pregnancy. You would find most people referring to the ‘abortion pill’ for medical abortion. However, Mifepristone and Misoprostol are ‘two’ medicines which are used for the medical pregnancy termination. 

When you use abortion pills, you should ensure that you know each and everything about the medicines associated with pregnancy termination and your health in general. Below explanation may clear up if there’s any doubt among women regarding abortion pills. 


The Mifepristone pill blocks progesterone, the hormone which is responsible for the growth of the pregnancy. The pill contains specific anti-progesterone components which it uses to fight against the pregnancy-growing hormones. Additionally, it softens the internal part of the uterus, especially the cervix area. Hence, it is essential for the user to know how and why to consume Mifepristone medicine.  


Prostaglandin are a type of hormonal constituent which make the uterus bring. With the consumption of Misoprostol medication, contractions are created in the uterine lining. It takes around half an hour for the pill to get dissolved in the body. It follows with the symptoms of pregnancy termination, i.e. abdominal cramps and bleeding. 

Many renowned organizations have listed Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills as vital medications for terminating a first-trimester pregnancy. These pills are used for certain surgical abortion procedures where the surgery needs the uterus to move and expel pregnancy tissues. 

The safety of abortion pills: 

The medication Mifepristone and Misoprostol is recommended to the majority of women. However, the pills can contradict in some instances. Hence, women are always advised to seek medical attention. 

The user is on long term steroids 

The user consumes Heparin and Warfarin

The user has a bleeding disorder

Allergy for the components of abortion pills

The pregnancy is ectopic

In other cases, using pregnancy termination medicine is completely safe and does not interfere with health concerns. When taking the medicines in the correct manner, 

How many abortion pills should one take? 

For a successful medical abortion procedure of up to 63 days gestation, a woman can take one pill of Mifepristone and four pills of Misoprostol. Firstly, when you take Mifepristone, you can consume it orally with some water or milk. The other pill, Misoprostol, you should take it vaginally or vaginally. 

The vaginal method requires you keep the medicines in the vagina inserted for around half an hour or more. The other method requires you to place the medication in the cheek pouches. In both ways, you have to be careful and see to it that the medicine doesn’t go off the place. 

What should you expect during the medical termination of pregnancy? 

After you consume both medicines, cramps in the abdominal area and bleeding are the two prominent changes that you would observe within 24-48 hours. You must notify your healthcare provider about the changes. Based on your experience, your doctor can help you with further procedure. Sometimes, women observe these symptoms soon after the consumption of Mifepristone, while other women take a day or two to start bleeding. 

What does indicate the completion of medical abortion?

Not observing any changes after Misoprostol consumption can indicate incomplete medical abortion. The symptoms of pregnancy termination play a crucial role in the process. You should not depend on the signs alone. Whenever you wish to take the efficacy of abortion pills, you can simply check your pregnancy status with a home pregnancy test. 

A woman typically takes 7-8 days to stop bleeding. You may take a day or two more to recover from the abortion procedure. Give your body some time to ultimately end the pregnancy after which you can check the efficacy of abortion pills. 

What are the side effects of abortion pills? 

The side effects of abortion pills can be a few and may or may not occur with every woman — nausea, excessive vaginal bleeding, headache, vomiting, fever, etc. You should observe your side effects too. These side effects are typically temporary, and hence, you should inform your doctor if there are any prolonged side effects observed. 

How should you manage your pain? 

The pain management is a bit simple with medical abortion. While you ask for a prescription for medicines of pregnancy termination, you can also ask for pain management medicines. The healthcare provider usually suggests taking ibuprofen before consuming Misoprostol medicine. 

You should not depend on medications alone for managing the pain experienced. Maintaining a healthy diet and following the instructions play an essential role while recovering from the medical abortion procedure.

 Some online pharmacies have 24×7 customer support. If you have any concerns regarding the pain management during medical termination of pregnancy, you can reach out to them. Do not assume things and perform a medical abortion on your own. The right guidance can always make the procedure more comfortable, making it smoother with fewer complications. 

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