Monthly Archives: November 2018

what is the difference between Abortion Pill and Emergency pill?

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Emergency contraceptive tablet and abortion tablets are more likely to be confused among pill as their working is mainly concerned with an unwanted pregnancy. Today, both medicines are easily available at online stores and local stores as well. However, one must understand when to buy abortion pills online when to buy plan B like pills to deal with your unwanted pregnancy. While speaking of their working, dosage and other things, both medicines are completely different than other medicines.

The difference between the abortion pill and the emergency pill is explained in this blog.

What is abortion pill?

An abortion pill is a medicine that contributes to the medical abortion procedure. There are two types of abortion pills. Anti-progesterone and prostaglandin. Mifepristone and Misoprostol is a popular abortion pill combination that ends an unwanted pregnancy together.

What is the emergency pill?

An emergency pill is a contraception which is consumed after having unprotected sexual intercourse.

Which pill is used when?

The abortion pills are used when the woman has confirmed her pregnancy and plans to end it through medical method.

An emergency contraceptive pill is used when unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred there can be chances of pregnancy. In such a case, if the couple wishes to prevent the pregnancy from occurring, the woman can consume emergency after pill at the earliest within 72 hours after the sexual activity.

Working of the pills:

With its present constituents, Mifepristone and Misoprostol stop the growth of the pregnancy make contractions in the uterine lining to eject pregnancy contents from the body. The complete process of termination of pregnancy can take up to 8-10 weeks to finish and have a successful abortion.

Plan B, which is an emergency contraceptive pill lowers the chances of pregnancy by preventing or delaying ovulation and/or by interfering with sperm movement. This eventually stops the sperm from entering the egg and fertilize the same.

Side Effects:

The side effects of abortion pills include a migraine, mild fever, cramps,

The side effects of the emergency contraceptive pill can also have Nausea, Dizziness, Fatigue, Headache and Breast tenderness.


To buy abortion pills, one must have the prescription letter as the consumption of pregnancy termination can have a different impact on the user depending on the body type and gestation period. Guidance from a healthcare provider or medical expert is a must.

On the other hand, the morning after pill can be taken even if the user does not require a prescription letter. A woman who has had unprotected sexual intercourse can take the pill within 72 hours and prevent the unwanted pregnancy.


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Gestation period and medical abortion

medical abortion

The missing period gives a woman second thoughts of pregnancy news. Even if she confirms her pregnancy, she cannot assuredly guess the gestation of her pregnancy. It becomes very important for her to calculate how many weeks is the gestation of your pregnancy. It is even more important if it is an unwanted pregnancy and you wish to end it with medical abortion.

Before you calculate the gestation of pregnancy, we’ll understand the meaning of pregnancy gestation. The gestation of pregnancy is essentially the pregnancy length. The calculation of gestation is not as simple as it seems!

You can calculate your pregnancy through the following ways.

Sometimes women misunderstand the gestation calculation and add up their weeks from the day pregnancy confirmation.

The ideal way to calculate the gestation length of pregnancy is by the last menstrual period. If you wish to understand your pregnancy length, you must get back to the time when you got your last menstrual period. You can count your gestation from the first day of your last menstrual period.

If you have had your last menstrual period 3rd October and today’s date is 23rd November, the gestation of your pregnancy is 8 weeks. If your pregnancy is

When can you abort your pregnancy using abortion pills?

You can buy abortion pills and end your pregnancy if you are up to 8 weeks into your pregnancy gestation. If the weeks have crossed 10 weeks, it is advised that women choose surgical abortion to end their pregnancy.

Where can you get abortion pills?

Be it an abortion pill online store or a local pharmacy, women are typically asked to submit a prescription before purchasing the pills. This is to ensure the safety of the woman since the efficacy and impact of abortion pills differ as per the body type, and pregnancy gestation.

Mifepristone and Misoprostol abortion pills are the two of the most popular pregnancy termination pills which are taken together to successfully end an unwanted pregnancy.

After you consumer the abortion pills, you may experience abdomen cramps due to the contractions in the uterine lining. This is followed by expelling the fetal tissues through heavy vaginal bleeding.

Again, the cramps and bleeding largely depend on the gestation of pregnancy and body type. It is observed that women who have a small gestation period are more likely to experience less painful abortion procedure.

Understand the symptoms of pregnancy and confirm it with a home pregnancy test or visit the nearest doctor to check your pregnancy status. You must note that performing a pregnancy termination without confirming the pregnancy and its gestational length can lead to health risks. If the gestational length of the pregnancy rejects the woman for an abortion candidate, the impact is solely due to improper handling of the situation.

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How to recover your emotional health after an abortion?

buy abortion pills

An unwanted pregnancy can be a disaster in a woman’s life, especially in lack of financial, social and emotional support. There is an option of an abortion, either surgical or medical. A medical abortion is one of the secure ways of doing an abortion. It is done using abortion pills and MTP kits, which are easily available at any online pharmacy or even local drugstore. A research says that about 10% of woman health issues are associated with an abortion and unwanted pregnancy.

Of course, abortion induces the feeling of relief in the case of an unwanted pregnancy, but there are other feelings too. These feelings may vary in different scenarios to different women. They are mostly dependent on the conditions in which they had to take the decision of an abortion. Most of the times the emotions they feel are mixed- both negative and positive. Positive emotions mostly include relief from an unwanted pregnancy whereas there are many negative feelings.

How to recover your emotional strength after an abortion?

Remember, you have the right to make decisions about the life growing inside you. It is a phase and will be gone. Be brave and face the situation, think all the possible choices before you and choose one wisely.

1.Talk to someone:

If you feel overwhelmed and extremely stressed please do not hesitate to ask for help. You can always talk to your partner, family members or even a close friend. Also, there are lots of web portals which provide support to women after abortion. Read the experiences of other women who went through it. It will be helpful.

2. Move on:

Remember, you made a decision which was right for you at that time. It is okay to have regrets but see it as a part of life. Make a list of the things you are looking forward to doing. If you feel that the negative feelings are hard to handle, please seek urgent help such as counseling.

3. Adopt a healthy lifestyle after an abortion:

There’s a saying, “A healthy body leads to a healthy mind”. Have nutritious and healthy mealtime to time. Do exercise regularly. Try to reduce stress using different relaxation techniques like doing meditation and yoga.

Commonly observed negative feelings after an abortion:

1.Severe anxiety disorder:
The pressure of being in dilemma- that is if the decision taken is right or wrong could cause anxiety to women. Also, the financial, emotional and social pressures induce severe anxiety.

Lack of support from family, friends or partner causes sadness. Sometimes women are forced to do an abortion when they are not willing to do so. It causes grief.

3. Shame:
Teenage pregnancy is considered a stigma to a woman’s character. Also being sexually active at a young age is said to be inappropriate in some regions due to social, spiritual and religious beliefs. Women are continually criticized by a society which induces a feeling of humiliation.

4. Guilt:
Guilt is a common feeling experienced after an abortion. Women may consider themselves guilty for some reasons, such as, for choosing an abortion, for putting themselves in such a situation.

5. Regret:
Not being able to choose an appropriate option for herself, either due to social pressure or financial dependency, a woman may suffer regret.

6. Loneliness:
Lack of emotional support from family, friends, and partner can cause the feeling of extreme loneliness in women. It might get difficult to share everything that’s going on your mind after an abortion or to get someone to listen to everything patiently and attentively.

7. The feeling of loss:
A feeling of loss might occur due to conditions which forced one to take the decision of abortion unwillingly, or the things which happened at the same time, such as, breakup, no support from family, social backlash.

8. Depression
An outburst of all the above feelings and the inability to handle them can lead to depression.

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Pregnancy termination in the first trimester

abortion pill online

Pregnancy termination or abortion is nothing but ending an unwanted pregnancy. It can be done in two ways- either through medications or by surgery. An unplanned pregnancy can occur to any woman from any age group. The weeks of the pregnancy are counted from the first day of your last period. As per the global research, women who get themselves aborted within the first trimester of pregnancy, find it less painful than the ones who did it after the first trimester. So the initial weeks of pregnancy are the best time to decide if you want to keep the baby or you don’t. If you do not want to keep the baby, medical abortion can be a safe and reliable option for you. You can buy MTP Kit from any online pharmacy. Remember, a woman has all the rights regarding the decision of pregnancy, either termination or continuation. Research says that the suffering and deaths of women because of an absence of contraceptives and abortion is can be completely prevented. That’s why it is essential to educate more and more woman across the globe, about contraceptives and medical abortion.

Following are some of the factors on which pain during the abortion depends:
your health

  • Time passed after conception
  • Your general pain tolerance
  • Your mental and emotional strength

Medical abortion is nothing but ending the pregnancy using medications. In a medical abortion, two pills are mostly consumed- Mifepristone and Misoprostol. You can purchase these pills at any online pharmacy. These pills can be taken either vaginally or buccally. These pills block progesterone(a pregnancy hormone). Also, this pill can cause your uterine to shrink, which may lead to excessive cramps than usual. So in that case, the maxi pad could be much useful. You may have to suffer from heavy cramps for a couple of days, but later it will slow down to limited bleeding or spots.

You may also experience following side effects during an abortion:

  • Extreme weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Fever(up to 100 degrees or even more sometimes)
  • Chills
  • Sore Breasts
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Mild to a severe headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Severe stomach ache
  • Smelly vaginal discharge

It is advised that you should avoid doing hard work or heavy exercise after getting an abortion at least for a few days. Also, side effects causing due to abortion pills are temporary and will not affect in the future pregnancy. Medical abortion is not recommended for women suffering from anemia, liver or kidney disease, epilepsy, acute inflammatory bowel disease etc.

You can deal with the abortion period very well if you follow the instructions below:

  • Avoid heavy, spicy and oily food. Have light meals.
  • Keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots of water, especially if you are suffering from diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Wear comfortable, loose clothes.
  • Gently massage your belly, in case of a severe stomach ache.
  • Perform meditation, it will calm you down.
  • Try to take complete rest for few days after the abortion.
  • Talk to someone, if you are feeling stressed and emotionally low.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke during the abortion process.


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Online Health Resources Prove Better Choice Among Women

buy abortion pill

When it comes to speaking about reproductive health issues, there’s all mum in women. This attitude has held them behind from getting the right kind of treatment for women health problems. In a recent study, it was found that women are more comfortable with typing and speaking to someone online than talking in person.

Apart from privacy, travel, trust in the healthcare provider is some of the other concerns behind the light shift to an online world in the healthcare world.

Helps maintain privacy:

Most women feel a sense of discomfort while talking about their reproductive health issues or vaginal health issues with the physician in person. Online health consulting helps them maintain privacy and make them comfortable with the problem. That’s one of the reasons why women prefer buying abortion pills online. The online pharmacies where they buy abortion pill from also help them with advice on the process and other issues too.

Easy to reach:

Healthcare providers may not be available in every region. Online healthcare consulting helps women reach medical or healthcare related guidance online at their fingertips. It also saves their cost for travel and most importantly saves their time as many people travel from region to region only to seek proper healthcare advice.


Since there’s information available on the internet about anything and everything related to health care, women can cross check the guidance provided on other websites. On an online platform, everything is open and hence women tend to have more faith in online health resources.


When you take medicines or healthcare products online, the online pharmacy may also help you get an online healthcare provider who will be the expert in a specific area of your healthcare requirement. There are many cases where women bought MTP kit online and sought guidance on everything related to pregnancy and medical abortion.

The next big thing:

Online health resource is becoming the next big thing in the market with more health providers getting available online for women healthcare support and guidance. It has made it easier for women to consult some of the best physicians and healthcare experts from all around the world.

It is making a phase where women have become more conscious about their health and hence they are observing any odd sign seen in their body.  Physicians are getting informed about their patients with every small detail being told. This has made easier for physicians to have followed up sessions and providing a solution with better accuracy.

From the aforementioned points, it can be concluded that women are giving more importance to online health resources. Speaking of prescriptions, there’s still a talk going on in many states regarding online prescription and if should be given to the patients. Some regions allow online

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