Since the first abortion pill was introduced, many groups, official and non official have opposed it and supported it. After medical pregnancy termination was deemed to be lawful, there are still specific people who make it difficult for women to access these medications. In many parts of the world, it is still a taboo, be it surgical or medical.
But with help of pro choice groups, abortion pills have become accessible through drugstores and online pharmacies.
Availability of medication in rural areas
In some cases, especially in rural areas, it is the husband or other relatives who are in control and demanding the procedure. Some women take contraceptive pill secretly and do not wish to tell others for fear of opposition and rejection. Due to societal misconceptions, women in such circumstances fear going through a proper counseling session and getting certified medicines to help them.
Due to this, many women buy pills that are un-certified and do not require prescription. Healthcare providers have continuously pointed out that due to people purchasing fake medicines, complications in terminations arise. These women come complaining about excessive bleeding and pain which is caused due to self induced botched pregnancy endings. Therefore it is necessary to buy abortion pills that are authorized by the FDA.
The two main drugs (FDA approved) Mifeprex (Mifepristone) and Cytolog (misoprostol) are the two most trusted brands of medical abortion. However, there has been a significant increase in number of people using contraceptives, sex education and gaining information through helpful healthcare websites being major factors for this inflation.
Trend of Internet Pharmacies
With the recent boom in online retail, you can get anything, anywhere. To know whether the website is genuine, one can just check if it demands prescription and research more. The threat; however are the fraudulent websites who deliver false medication. Therefore it is necessary to confirm that the online pharmacy you are using is authorized and sells quality products. You can buy abortion pills online and have it delivered shortly at your place.
Another thing to make sure the quality is genuine; see if there is nothing suspicious about their packaging. If the website provides you with loose pills, do not buy them. Due to internet, information on all types of pregnancy termination is available at your finger tips.
One of the best benefits of medical websites is that, they can provide detailed information of the correct usage, dose, process and aftercare of medicine induced pregnancy termination. There are even personal experience stories, specific forums and pro choice counseling hotline information on internet.
Implementing better abortion laws
Citing as concern for women’s safety there are some government bodies who have implemented restrictive laws to deny easy access to medical termination pills. Due to such burdensome regulations, however, women with limited financial sources defer towards uncertain means for ending their pregnancies.
Rather than regulating medicines for the betterment of women’s safety, denial of access to quality medication has adversely affected their health.
Therefore, for betterment of women health care and safety, access to prescription abortive drugs should be made easy, but regulated enough to arrest phony providers.