Pregnancy termination in the first trimester through pills benefits women who want to get past their unplanned pregnancy. The method allows females to obtain an in-home procedure than having to go through an invasive treatment to empty the uterus. Thus, medical abortion is far preferred over the in-clinic ending of pregnancy, as the pills are not just cost-effective, but convenient to use. Apart from self-administration of the medication, you can manage the effects with ease, recovering quickly from the process.
Despite these facilities, there are certain precautions to take and things to remember before using abortion pills.
1. Know If You Are Eligible to Take the Medicine
Before you buy abortion pills online USA, check how further along you are in the pregnancy. If the pregnancy is within 9 weeks of gestation and intrauterine, you can utilize the pills. But if the pregnancy exceeds 9 weeks, and you have an ectopic pregnancy, then you need to consider other options. It is not advisable to continue with a pregnancy outside the uterus. Get it terminated through surgery instead to avoid life-threatening consequences.
2. Consult a Physician Over Pre-existing Diseases
Even the best abortion pills will fail to work if you have certain medical conditions. Do not take the medicine in the following events:
· If allergic to abortion pill ingredients.
· If you are on blood thinners or use medicines for seizures.
· If you have inherited porphyria or chronic adrenal problem.
· If you have uterine issues, or untreated sexually transmitted diseases.
· If you have an undiagnosed adnexal mass.
· If you have uncontrollable high blood pressure.
· If you cannot get emergency care during the procedure when needed.
· If you have high cholesterol level, liver/kidney/heart disease.
· If you cannot go for a follow-up after 14 days of completing the pill course.
· If you are on long-term corticosteroid therapy.
In case of any other health issues, make sure to get the consent of your healthcare provider about the efficacy of undergoing medical abortion for your pregnancy.
3. Arrange the Supplies for Safe Pregnancy Termination
Like any medical procedure, pregnancy termination requires you to prepare for it beforehand as well. Now that you have consulted a physician over your health status, if you get consent for the use of the Best MTP Kit, you can obtain the medicines. But here are other tips to follow:
· Food to Intake
Taking care of the body is the most important during a medical pregnancy termination. Thus, you must make wise dietary choices and get the necessary food items to secure your health. For instance, keep some nutritious items in stock such as protein bars, baked snacks, muesli, and the like. You may need to have snack food in between as short meals are preferable to large meals during the procedure.
Similarly, get plenty of green leafy vegetables, lean meat, and broth to prepare stew and soup if possible. It is a healthy meal option when ending a pregnancy. Fruits can help you get the necessary dose of vitamins and more. But do avoid grapefruit. You can have oranges, watermelons, bananas, papayas, pomegranates, avocados, and others.
· Essentials for the Procedure
While the abortion pill price is saving on expenses, you must not forget to arrange for certain supplies. This includes a sufficient number of large sanitary napkins for heavy bleeding. Do not use menstrual cups and tampons. A hot water bag or heating pad for the cramps can reduce the abdomen pain. A clean towel and pair of fresh clothes for the procedure. A pack of disposal bags to throw away the sanitary pads and anything else you may need, get in advance. You must not venture outdoors when going through a medical abortion.
· Medicines for Side Effects
Ending pregnancy with pills may cause temporary side effects. You can take a painkiller before Misoprostol medication to combat the pain from cramps and uterine contractions. Use an anti-emetic medicine for nausea and vomiting. You may encounter headaches, dizziness, and tiredness at times. It is advised that you should take enough rest at the time of the abortion. Do not take any medication without consulting your healthcare provider.
To Conclude
Medical abortion is a simple and effective procedure to end a pregnancy. But there are certain things you must do before beginning the abortion pill intake.