Should I and My Partner Get Test For Infertility? How?

Should I and my partner get test for infertility

Getting tested to learn your fertility status can never be a bad option. In fact, knowing about your infertility at the earliest helps you find the causes and possible solutions immediately. When you’re trying to conceive and still not getting the desired results, getting tested is at the early as possible can be the best option for you.

Understanding your body: Are you infertile?
Unlike other medical conditions or diseases, infertility does not have any major symptoms through which a woman can determine her infertility condition. Of course, it does create doubts in your mind as you try to conceive yet fail to get pregnant or stay pregnant. The only way to understand your or your partner’s infertility is through getting tested since it shows you the right way to deal with the problem.  

When should you think of getting tested?
Most women get anxious when they try getting conceived and do not succeed. It is not abnormal to observe failure attempts in a few months. It usually takes time up to one year to get pregnant. However, if you are trying for more than a year and still failing to become pregnant, it’s high time you should get tested.

It especially becomes crucial to perform the fertility test if you have one or more of the following complications.

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Frequent miscarriages
  • Thyroid complications
  • Wounds to your scrotum and testes
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Complication in ejaculation

Myth: Medical abortion makes you infertile
Priority changes with time. You may have had a medical abortion in the past, but this reason shouldn’t worry you when trying to get pregnant again. Medical abortion does not affect your fertility. When you buy abortion pills, they come in a combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol which terminates your early pregnancy without interfering with your conception capabilities.

However, it’s always safe to be assured. Get tested and find out the real reasons behind the difficulty in getting pregnant.

How is the test being performed?

  • Studying the medical history of both male and female partners.
  • Examining the uterus/eggs/fallopian tubes.
  • Examining the sperm/semen.

Treating your infertility:
The cause of infertility helps determine the treatment for it as it changes as per the type of complication.

The physician may consult you on:

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Medicine
  • Hormone therapy
  • Surgical procedures

The aforementioned check-ups and treatments can help you overcome the complications and help become pregnant with a healthy child. Even if you are consulting online doctors for the treatment, many a time, online assistance can also help if there are not many complications involved.  Physicians, however, cannot guarantee or give you the assurance of conception on the basis of above remedies.

This entry was posted in women's health and tagged buy abortion pills, infertility, infertility in women, Medical Abortion, mifepristone and misoprostol, women's infertility on by .