Category Archives: Abortion Pill

Management of missed abortion with Misoprostol

Management of missed abortion with Misoprostol

Missed abortion [early pregnancy failure] is a medical term to describe a miscarriage that has not fully passed yet. Before the usage of ultrasound, it was believed that most miscarriages happened unexpectedly in a pregnancy that was – until that incident, growing normally. Nevertheless, it is now known that most miscarriages take several days or weeks duration prior to the clinical miscarriage. Using an early ultrasound, today’s technology allows us to diagnose a miscarriage far earlier than ever before.

Women with missed abortion, often continue to have symptoms of pregnancy [ i.e. fatigue, nausea and breast tenderness etc.] as they still have high levels of pregnancy hormones in their body. Many do not bleed as well. The reasons for miscarriage vary widely, however, we must put emphasis on the fact that most miscarriages are a result of random genetic abnormalities in the embryo and that miscarriage isn’t due to the woman’s lifestyle factors such as exercise, sex, work, travel or other things.

Once the diagnosis is over, the woman is given options, among which one is medical management, i.e removing the embryonic tissues with misoprostol abortion pills.

But how is early pregnancy failure [EPF] diagnosed?

Diagnoses of missed abortion

The diagnosis of early pregnancy failure may be suspected on symptoms and signs [vaginal bleeding, dilation of the cervix, cramping in lower abdomen] but is typically completed by transvaginal ultrasound and/or symptoms and serial beta-human chorionic gonadotropin [BhCG] levels. Women with missed abortion may also be asymptomatic.

The term spontaneous abortion – includes complete, incomplete, inevitable abortion, an embryonic pregnancy, and fetal/ embryo demise.

  1. Complete abortion – in this case, the patient has a positive result on a pregnancy test, and experienced vaginal bleeding with the expulsion of tissues and has closed cervical os.
  2. Incomplete abortion – patients has a positive pregnancy test, vaginal bleeding, and also a closed cervical os.

The missed abortion is diagnosed with vaginal bleeding with the expulsion of conception parts, a pregnancy test with positive results and an open cervical os.

Medical Management of missed abortion

Medical management if one of the safest and effective alternatives than expectant/  surgical management of EPF. Medical management allows a woman to avoid surgery/ anesthesia [surgical option] and waiting for the embryonic tissues to expel itself [i.e. expectant]. Several medications have been studied for EPF management.

Abortion pills – Mifepristone has also been tried in combo with Misoprostol, but they had conflicting results.

On the other had Misoprostol [cytolog]– misoprostol’s brand version] had effective results? It is a prostaglandin analog that is embolic in nature – causes uterine contractions and expels the pregnancy tissues. It can be administered buccal as well as vaginally.

Many doctors prescribe Misoprostol pills with buccal or vaginal administration – it’s usually given in 600 mcg to 800 mcg dosage as per the patients’ requirement.

Medical evidence says, that repeated dosage/ administration of misoprostol is much more effective than a single dose. 800 mg multiple doses of Misoprostol through vaginal administration is the most used method in completely emptying the uterus.




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Online Pharmacies for providing abortion services to women around the world

Online Pharmacies for providing abortion services to women around the world

Although, health care access around the world is becoming easier, there are many women who cannot access any reproductive health care even if they wish to do so. This may be due to political tensions in the region, religious influence or lack of reproductive healthcare settings in their area.

There are many reasons like the above why many women choose to buy abortion pills online from web pharmacies.

How is the medical abortion carried out at home?

There are two types of drugs used for medical pregnancy termination, these are  Mifepristone & Misoprostol. You have to take two stages while consuming the tablets in the course of two to three days to complete the abortion process.

There are two kinds of a regimen for medical pregnancy termination too- one with both Mifepristone and Misoprostol and the other with just Misoprostol. Many medical studies, however, prove that Mifepristone taken with a suitable prostaglandin [misoprostol] is the most effective regimen for medical abortion.

This is why the most doctors around the world recommend anti-progesterone [ like Mifepristone or Mifeprex] with a dose of prostaglandin analog [ like Misoprostol or Cytolog].

Other than that, the efficacy rate for Mifepristone/Misoprostol is 97%-98% while the rate for Misoprostol alone is 88%.


There women taking the abortion pills at home must –

  • On day 1, swallow 1 tablet of Mifepristone
  • Take a 24-48 hours’ break
  • One the 2nd and 3rd day, put four tablets of Misoprostol in the cheek pouches 2×2 in each side of the mouth. Let them sit untouched in the mouth for 30 minutes and dissolve naturally. After half an hour drinks water and swallows the tablets’ remains.

How do the pills work?

The primary pill, Mifepristone is an antiprogestogen in nature. When introduced in the body, the pill blocks the progesterone hormone [ which is essential in continuing the pregnancy, as it helps in creating the endometrium lining that keeps the embryo attached], which leads to the detachment of the conception parts.

After taking an anti-progesterone pill, you may continue with your daily life without any changes, however, some women may experience spotting and light bleeding very briefly. If you experience some discomfort, it is okay to take an ibuprofen painkiller.

Meanwhile, the secondary abortion pill [which is given after 24-48 hours], Misoprostol is a prostaglandin analog and induces uterine contractions. With the help of these contractions, the detached conception tissues from the uterine are ousted through vaginal ejection.

What is the purpose of this online pharmacy?

There are many women who have an unmet need for safe abortion pills and therefore choose dangerous options to end their pregnancies which can potentially result in a permanent injury or even death. On the other hand, there are a woman in bad conditions who cannot access the needed help even if they have the sources too.

Therefore, sources are needed which can be trusted and women from anywhere around the world can access these services any time they need. This online pharmacy’s main objective, therefore, is to be a safe space where any women can get the needed medication for abortion as well as contraception; altogether with advice and guidelines on how to go about a pregnancy cancellation and protection.

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How long does it take to recover from medical abortion ?

How long does it take to recover from medical abortion?

Recovering after an uncomplicated pregnancy termination will be different for various women and will depend on how far along the woman was in the gestational stage when the abortion occurred. Most women will recover quickly within few numbers of weeks. In fact, most women can return to their daily activities and work after few days of rest.

Many healthcare experts actually recommend delay returning to work after the procedure as you will experience bleeding/ cramps [side effects of taking Mifepristone and Misoprostol abortion pills].

This usually happens for 1 to 2 days after taking the secondary abortive drug, i.e. Misoprostol pills, which has ecbolic properties and thus causes uterine contractions in the womb.

The bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy

After a procedure with abortion pills, you will experience cramps and bleed and you will also pass blood clots/ tissues. The process may take within 4 to 5 hours and is usually completed within 1 to 2 days. Very occasionally, however, it can take up to two weeks [ 14 days] to pass the pregnancy.

Once the conception parts have been ejected, your bleeding will eventually reduce and will feel like a somewhat heavier menstrual cycle that you may normally experience. The heavy period like bleeding may continue to occur for more than a day or two as the uterus needs to shrink and then come back to its natural state after the process.

If the menstruation is heavy for more than two days, like for e.g. you are drenching more than two sanitary pads in one or two hours, then you must immediately contact a healthcare professional.

The pain after medical termination of pregnancy

Most women experience recurring cramping pain after an abortion pill procedure. This cramping pain usually lasts for about 7 days – a week and can be subdued with ibuprofen, paracetamol and heating pads/ hot bottles etc.

It is advised not to use Aspirin following a medical or even a surgical abortion, as doing so can increase the risk of excessive bleeding.

Your feelings after abortive procedure

Following a pregnancy termination, it is completely normal to feel a range of feelings from relief to guilt or sadness. For most women, these feelings fade after few months. As per a study, women who had taken the decision to abort by themselves had more feelings of relief and lesser guilt.

It is recommended that women seeking abortive services should have someone with them while they visit a clinic or start the process at home. There are many confidential counseling services as well as helpline numbers available for women who have had abortive treatments. Therefore, these women can book as many as sessions they need.

Symptoms to look out for after a medical termination of pregnancy:

  1. Stinking/ discolored vaginal discharge
  2. Fever or general illness/ feeling unwell
  3. Continued pain or abdominal tenderness which cannot be subdued by any painkillers
  4. Lasting heavy bleeding – where you are soaking 2 or more sanitary pads in an hour or two in a row
  5. A pregnancy test (even after 4 weeks of abortion) [as hCG. pregnancy hormone takes 4 weeks to leave the body even after the pregnancy is canceled].

If you associate with the above-given symptoms, then you must call for medical attention.


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What To Do If You are Pregnant, But Do not Wish to Be?

Buy abortion pills online

Abortion is an ancient history that human practices to control fertility. Unprotected intercourse, incorrect usage of contraception, or when women missed the dose of birth control pills, causes unexpected pregnancy.  So if this is not a right time for you to conceive a child and want to terminate your early unwanted pregnancy, the process you may undergo, is known as medical abortion. In this process the pregnancy parts are expelled out of the uterus.

In major cases, a safe and secure termination of pregnancies have relieved the physical or mental stress coupled with a pregnancy which is undesired. Females are made available with various abortive products like MTP Kit and more other, for the annihilation of an early pregnancy that is within 10 weeks of gestation.

If a woman doesn’t want to conceive:       

Thousands of abortions take place every year all around the world. Opinions of masses regarding abortion are diverse, some people want it to authorize while don’t even support. There are certain concerns that affect the females with undesired pregnancy that includes:

  • Low socio economic status
  • Low educational level
  • The absence of a partner
  • Drug abuse or
  • The presence of violence

Therefore in such cases; the continuation of a pregnancy is putting physical or mental health risk.

A woman who does not feel socially or psychologically equipped to be a mother may suffer from severe depression and anxiety reactions. As a result, the simple perception of unwanted childbearing becomes a kind of physical or emotion torture for many women. Females who are a witness of such painful circumstances may buy abortion pill to terminate and get relief from their unwanted pregnancy.


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5 Things You Need To Know About Getting Pregnant After Abortion

Things About Getting Pregnant After Abortion

Getting pregnant soon after an abortion is not healthy!

Majority of couples choose for an abortion to delay a pregnancy till they are prepared for it, whereas others abort the baby due to some medical and psychological reasons. But, getting pregnant after a pregnancy termination would need a little planning and safety measures. Below are some facts you need to know about conception after termination of pregnancy.

1)    Abortion does not interfere with fertility:

If you buy abortion pill for pregnancy termination with proper medical guidance would normally be a safe procedure and doesn’t affect your fertility in any way. You should only fear about fertility issues if the process damages the reproductive organs such as the ovaries and the fallopian tubes in some way or another. Nevertheless, with the advancement in the field of medical science, complication, and infection rates after a pregnancy termination through abortion pills has gone down severely.

2)    Repeated abortions in the past can make the cervix weak or incompetent:

Enduring termination procedure to delay your pregnancy won’t harm you. However, if you choose for multiple abortions or endure multiple dilations and curettages (D&C) that means cleaning out of the uterus during the procedure may result into scarring at the top of the cervix or inside the womb. Excluding this, any process that involves dilation of the cervix, like that in the case of termination, if done frequently, can weaken it.  Thus, if you decide for a pregnancy after having multiple terminations, you could suffer from inept cervix that could start dilating before the due time and lead to mistimed abortion.  Generally a hysterectomy can help to know the condition of the cervix. In the event of a frail cervix, a stitch is done to keep it closed so the embryo is safe inside the uterus.

3)    Getting pregnant soon after an abortion could be harmful: 

Doctors recommend that getting becoming pregnant soon after the termination, which is within 3 months after the process, could be dangerous. In the medication procedure, uterus softens due to the effects of medicines, inducing contraction to expel the fetus out. It is followed with heavy bleeding at times. In contrast, termination through surgical method is done through absorption voidance followed by curettage, which is sealing of the cut blood flow pathway into the womb to lessen excessive bleeding.  It takes a detriment on the uterus and also the health of the woman. It is paragon to wait for at least 6 months after termination before trying to get pregnant. You can make use of contraceptives to prevent becoming pregnant naturally!

4)    Use of contraception after an abortion is necessary:

Even if you undergo from bleeding or missed periods following an abortion, you would be still ovulating. It means that there are still chances of you getting pregnant after termination.  So, it is recommended to use contraception or any kind of protection as a precaution.

5)    Take expert help to plan pregnancy after abortion:

Though you buy abortion pills online for a safe pregnancy termination and have waited long enough for your uterus to cure, you still need to concern your doctor before planning a pregnancy. Sure diagnostic tests done before conception will give you a fair idea whether you are fit for pregnancy and if your uterus is completely cured to foster the embryo.

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How to Use MTP Kit and When to Use the Second One

how to use mtp kit?Medical abortion with Mifepristone and Misoprostol is one of the most effective combinations for terminating an early pregnancy that is within 10 weeks of gestation. The MTP Kit which contains both of these pills has a success rate of 96-97%; even so it is necessary to have extra pills in your possession.

First let’s find out how MTP Kit is used –

The MTP Kit is a set of one tablet of Mifepristone (200 mg) and four pills of Misoprostol (800 mcg total), which is the recommended dosage. The regimen is as follows –

  • Take one pill of Mifepristone (200 mg) orally
  • Take a break of 24-48 hours
  • Take four pills of Misoprostol buccally. That means, to keep two pills in each cheek pouch, waiting for half an hour for them to dissolve and then swallowing them with water.

You will experience cramps and bleeding, and some side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills and weakness after taking Misoprostol.

When and why to take the second set of MTP Kit Abortion Pill

  • If the woman vomits the Mifepristone before 1.5 hours she may continue to take the misoprostol as even if the medicines effect may be little impaired. If she vomited the pill immediately she needs to consult a doctor before taking another dosage.
  • Misoprostol needs to be kept in the mouth for at least half hour, if she vomits the pills before those thirty minutes; she needs to take another dose.
  • Woman can take an anti-emetic medicine to counter nausea beforehand as precaution, but there are still chances that she may vomit.

Make sure to take a test after one-two weeks of abortion to make sure the abortive procedure was successful.


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Using Mifepristone Online and Home Administration of Misoprostol Pill

using mifepristone and misoprostolThere might be several ethical and moral arguments regarding abortion, however women now are basing the pregnancy terminations on current life setting even if their personal religious beliefs go against the notion. Pregnancy termination decisions in general are based on practical and personal reasons rather political or ethical/moral arguments.

A study on women ending their pregnancy revealed how women connected their reproductive decisions with other aspects of their lives and how having an abortion will affect their individual identity and preserve their psychological/physical health – which included coping with abandonment of their partner following birth or abortion.

Several recent studies have indicated that women now prefer ending their pregnancies with Mifepristone and Misoprostol abortion pills than going through a surgery.

A Research on Abortion Options

A recently published research studied twelve respondents who were offered different methods of undergoing termination. Out which 70% chose the medical procedure.

The most common reason why women chose to buy abortion pills is because it provided more privacy and autonomy to patients, while other preferred it because it was less invasive and more natural than surgery. Another study stated that among 86 women ending their pregnancy through medication, 48% wanted to avoid surgery and chose Mifepristone with Misoprostol due to its perceived naturalness of the process and added benefits of having the process done in comfortable seclusion. As FDA has approved home administration of Misoprostol, the patient doesn’t have to return to the office or clinic.


The abortion rights mobilization in New York has funded several clinical trials involving Mifepristone  since 1996. At the time when the research was conducted 3,143 women from sixteen sites had took part in the trials.

With some variations, women were given 200 mg of Mifepristone on the first day to the clinic. After one or two days, women took four pills of Misoprostol (800 mcg total) at home where they choose to take it either buccally (in cheek pouches) or vaginally. They were informed to expect stomach cramps and vaginal bleeding as well as given information on different side effects that might occur after taking Misoprostol and how to manage these side effects. They were also guided on how to seek medical aid in case of excessive cramps or bleeding.

Women were interviewed regarding their experience before and after going though the procedure. The questionnaire addressed two open ended question as to ‘what were your concerns while going through the process?’ and ‘what did the procedure mean to you?’

Results of The Study

According to the abortion mobilization research larger number of women stated that having abortion at home was a comfortable experience. For example one woman was prepared for her at-home pregnancy termination by stocking up food, magazines and other things to distract from the pain. This was the opposite of a woman who hadn’t informed anyone and therefore as a reult didn’t have as much as private experience than she had hoped.

Among women who had been informed about the pain, having pregnancy termination at home was more manageable and comfortable at home with intake of one or two pain killers.


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How Do You Get A Safe Abortion And How Much Will It Cost?

How Do You Get A Safe Abortion And How Much Will It CostEvery pregnancy is different, just as every decision that leads to abortion is different. Due to diverse private reasons, many women choose to abort. These reasons may include pregnancies resulting from sexual violence, lack of financial stability, health problems (mental/physical), failed birth control/emergency contraceptives to personal lifestyle choices. Each and every woman in these situations should be able to get a pregnancy termination on demand. That is why, women’s rights groups fight to make access to abortion pills and services easier.

Due to restrictive laws, many women around the world run the risk of getting termination from unguaranteed services that might be detrimental to their health. Due to unavailability of necessary medication, many pro-choice and women’s choice groups set up websites where those bereft of choice can buy abortion pills online. Sometimes these packages are sent through ships or drones, all the while keeping in mind of legal loopholes. The process and cost however becomes an essential topic while discussing pregnancy cancellation options.

The process                                                                                                      

Medical procedure

The medical abortion includes administration of one tablet of mifepristone on day one. This tablet is of 200 mg dosage. There is generally no effect of Mifepristone, other than light bleeding which is why keeping a stack of sanitary pads in store during the process is important. If one decides to buy abortion pills online, they must check the validity of their source and only trust authorized online pharmacies.

After a mandatory wait of 24-72 hours after taking Mifepristone, a secondary drug known as Misoprostol is given. This drug is given in 800 mcg total that includes four tablets of 200 mcg each. You may expect to bleed and cramp as a result of taking misoprostol. Other side effects include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, weakness etc.

Surgical procedure

If the woman has failed to take termination drugs on time, she may have to consider surgical procedure. This process can be done if women have passed the duration of gestation where medically induced termination is possible, that is 10 weeks. Also called as ‘Aspiration abortion or suction procedure’, this procedure is also a safe way of terminating.

During this procedure, the doctor sedates the women’s reproductive area and inserts a tube into her vagina. After that he applies gentle pressure and through suction removes the conception tissues from the body.

How much does it costs?

Several abortive services that offer surgical procedures only offer abortions that are within 24 weeks of pregnancy. As the gestation period increases, it gets more complicated to abort. In the US, it costs up to USD 1,500 for first trimesters and pregnancy cancellation pills can range up to USD 800, although if you buy abortion pills online, they cost way less ranging from USD 200-USD 400. In the UK, you may find pills ranging from £464, consultation fees excluded. With surgical procedure and more gestation period, a general procedure in the UK can be up to £707 and more, also excluding counseling fees.

Many of these abortive services may offer after check up for free.

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Access to medical abortion: should it be regulated?

Access to medical abortion: should it be regulated

Since the first abortion pill was introduced, many groups, official and non official have opposed it and supported it. After medical pregnancy termination was deemed to be lawful, there are still specific people who make it difficult for women to access these medications. In many parts of the world, it is still a taboo, be it surgical or medical.

But with help of pro choice groups, abortion pills have become accessible through drugstores and online pharmacies.

Availability of medication in rural areas

In some cases, especially in rural areas, it is the husband or other relatives who are in control and demanding the procedure.  Some women take contraceptive pill secretly and do not wish to tell others for fear of opposition and rejection. Due to societal misconceptions, women in such circumstances fear going through a proper counseling session and getting certified medicines to help them.

Due to this, many women buy pills that are un-certified and do not require prescription. Healthcare providers have continuously pointed out that due to people purchasing fake medicines, complications in terminations arise. These women come complaining about excessive bleeding and pain which is caused due to self induced botched pregnancy endings. Therefore it is necessary to buy abortion pills that are authorized by the FDA.

The two main drugs (FDA approved) Mifeprex (Mifepristone) and Cytolog (misoprostol) are the two most trusted brands of medical abortion. However, there has been a significant increase in number of people using contraceptives, sex education and gaining information through helpful healthcare websites being major factors for this inflation.

Trend of Internet Pharmacies

With the recent boom in online retail, you can get anything, anywhere. To know whether the website is genuine, one can just check if it demands prescription and research more. The threat; however are the fraudulent websites who deliver false medication. Therefore it is necessary to confirm that the online pharmacy you are using is authorized and sells quality products. You can buy abortion pills online and have it delivered shortly at your place.

Another thing to make sure the quality is genuine; see if there is nothing suspicious about their packaging. If the website provides you with loose pills, do not buy them. Due to internet, information on all types of pregnancy termination is available at your finger tips.

One of the best benefits of medical websites is that, they can provide detailed information of the correct usage, dose, process and aftercare of medicine induced pregnancy termination.  There are even personal experience stories, specific forums and pro choice counseling hotline information on internet.

Implementing better abortion laws

Citing as concern for women’s safety there are some government bodies who have implemented restrictive laws to deny easy access to medical termination pills. Due to such burdensome regulations, however, women with limited financial sources defer towards uncertain means for ending their pregnancies.

Rather than regulating medicines for the betterment of women’s safety, denial of access to quality medication has adversely affected their health.

Therefore, for betterment of women health care and safety, access to prescription abortive drugs should be made easy, but regulated enough to arrest phony providers.

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The General User Information for Taking Abortion Pills

general-user-information-for-taking-abortion-pillsGetting an abortion is an important and in many cases a life changing decision for women. Due to religious or personal beliefs, many women are denied access to abortion while others go through several hurdles while acquiring them. Society, peers, family and even strangers may side eye anyone buying abortion pills or going to the clinic for getting one.

Therefore many women choose to buy abortion pills online and have it delivered at home for keeping the process private. For one to use them at home, however needs a thorough reading of the pills usage, effect and precautions etc. The instructions a woman needs to follow for pregnancy termination are as follows –

  • Pre-requisites of getting a medical pregnancy termination

It is recommended to have a person by your side to assist you should anything go wrong. You need to keep a stock of sanitary pads, pain killers like ibuprofen /advil (or recommended medicine), clean towels, hot pads, comfortable clothes/blankets, glucose tablets and a thermometer with you. As these are essential needs should you suffer from side effects such weakness and diarrhea. Bleeding and cramps are given effects of abortion so you need to keep these essentials within your hand’s reach.

  • Getting the pills

While many clinics sell pregnancy cancellation pills, some women may prefer buying them in the privacy of their house. These days you can get an MTP Kit online that contains both Mifepristone and Misoprostol (two essential drugs for effectively ending a pregnancy).

  • Follow the procedure as per instructions

On the day when you take Abortion pills, be sure to keep yourself calm and ready for the process. After that, take a 200 mg of Mifepristone tablet. Once you have taken this medicine you may experience some light bleeding and cramps. Avoid doing jobs that are stressful for the body (heavy lifting) or having intercourse and eat normally.

After 24-72 hours, you can consume four tablets of Misoprostol 200mcg dosage. This you can do by placing them in your cheek pouch (two tablets each) or inserting them in your vagina. Consuming them orally is generally recommended.

Taking misoprostol will cause uterine contractions and heavy bleeding; therefore you may consume painkillers prior to taking misoprostol and hot water bottles or hot pads for cramps.

  • Eating after abortion

As pregnancy termination causes the body to lose a lot of nutrients, it is necessary to eat healthy food stuffs during and after the procedure. Food stuffs like Grains, Dairy, Vegetables/fruits and high protein nutrient are necessary for a healthy recovery.

  • Resting and taking note of your progress

Resting while the bleeding and cramping continues is necessary. While you must eating nutritional food, do not take up cooking or other house chores for some period. Also keep checking on your progress on side effects of the pills. If the pain and bleeding does not subside after a while, visit a doctor.

An after checkup

After 14 to 17 days of taking the abortion pill, make sure to go to a health care facility or a doctor who can give you an ultrasound and check up to find if the termination was successful.

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